Well its been 3 weeks since I left Puerto Rico and I'm heading back there next week for a couples of weeks, before I go to Barbados for my second race of the season. I wasn't planning on racing there but because I did not perform well in La Paz and I want to keep my ranking high enough to get into San Diego WCS and be able to put a good block of training afterwards in Costa Rica without having to travel or to chase points around I will race in this small Caribbean island on February the 12th. Then I will get ready for the REV3 Costa Rica on March 18th a non drafting Olympic where I place 2nd last year and start an altitude camp all the way until San Diego. Training here in Argentina has been tough, its very hot (30-36 C) and windy but I love it here. Ive been watching a lot of soccer and eating tons of gluten as well :)
anyways hope your training is going excellent as well ciao :)